
I fell in love with film and taking pictures when my dad bought me my first camera for my 10th birthday (the red canon one that you could use underwater - still have it!). I’ve been in darkrooms since I was 15 and I graduated from OCAD University in Toronto for fine art photography in 2014. I still use film in my artistic practise but mostly for personal work and projects, however I am working on incorporating more film into my professional practice in the coming seasons. Normally, you’ll see me with my Nikon Z6 in one hand, and my Minolta in the other.

personal life

why i love my job

married my blue eyed high school sweetheart, and currently living in Hamilton. Mothering two spirited blue eyed girls (which I’m still figuring out how to do) and two blue eyed rescue cats. obviously, i’m the odd man out. motherhood/work balance is hard.

because it’s amazing. amazing to step into someone’s life for a brief moment (or many brief moments over the years) and get to experience it, fully immersed and a fly on the wall. I’ve learned so much about other people’s traditions, and cultures, and family dynamics and what makes each unique. I’ve been able to see new places, try new food and drinks, and best of all, create these memories with clients in their big moments.

fun and random facts about me

  • i have a super goofy smile

  • i’m short (hence climbing on top of things to get the shot)

  • i’m not good with technology (iPhone photos that actually look really good are a mystery to me, and don’t get me started on instagram)

  • we have two blue-eyed cats we adopted, but i’m an animal person in general and love everything with fur and feathers

  • of course i had an emo phase in high school and still love jamming out to jimmy eat world and the like

  • love all things vintage, antique, nostalgic

  • spent my childhood summers up north at the cottage, so i love the water

  • i talk too much when i’m nervous (something i’m working on)

  • blundstones almost always - converse if i’m feeling fancy

  • one tree hill over gossip girl



